
Salon Bonaca

It is difficult to briefly present the exhibition of boats, caravanning, green energy - that is, everything that loosens the bonds of the everyday urban environment. Boat lovers will be attracted to Koper by the most prominent manufacturers with Slovenian or world premiers of sailboats, famous names in the caravanning industry will present themselves with...

Important information
Smedelska cesta, Koper
Facebook event
Entrance fee

It is difficult to briefly present the exhibition of boats, caravanning, green energy - that is, everything that loosens the bonds of the everyday urban environment. Boat lovers will be attracted to Koper by the most prominent manufacturers with Slovenian or world premiers of sailboats, famous names in the caravanning industry will present their products on the Koper promenade. A special forum will be dedicated to holiday home lovers, and Energy Conductors will also be presented. Let's reserve the evenings for fun!

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