
Salt 6

Cheerful, unruly, lyrical and powerful band Sol 6 brings together leading European improvisers. The band is a masterful chamber hybrid of cabaret, punk, deep groove and free improvisation, founded three years ago by British pianist Veryan Weston and Dutch former punk bassist Luc Ex. The specialty of their music is…

Important information
Kino Šiška, Trg prkomorskih brigad 3, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
14 euros.

Cheerful, unruly, lyrical and powerful band Sol 6 brings together leading European improvisers. The band is a masterful chamber hybrid of cabaret, punk, deep groove and free improvisation, founded three years ago by British pianist Veryan Weston and Dutch former punk bassist Luc Ex. The distinguishing feature of their music is the combination of radical improvisation with compositions. The authors of these are Ex and Weston. They build on their work with the works of Charles Ives, Eric Satie, Burt Bacharach and Kurt Weill.

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