
Same Babe – concert as part of White December in Škofja Loka

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Important information
City square, Škofja Loka
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free of charge!

Group Baba herself performed at all important ethno festivals in Slovenia and released two albums: For she loves bread and her black hair, poetry set to music by Janez Menart and Teresian in which she presented original songs as well as her vision of folk songs and music by renowned Slovenian poets (Kajetan Kovič, Frane Milčinski – Ježek). In 2009, the group performed an original chanson Good men won at the Slovenian Chanson Festival. When creating the text, the band literally "equips" it with music, so that the musical part is a kind of mirror to the verbal part. They place great emphasis on polyphonic singing, and their performances are accompanied by a large dose of humor and performance.

A band that simply sounds. A band listening to which you don't care what their music is and isn't and what their music is and isn't made of. Because you simply enjoy it. And you know it's Sam Baba. Because no other band sounds like it. So great.


In Škofja Loka, the traditional White December event takes place again this month, where the City Square attracts its many visitors to various events that conjure up a real Christmas and New Year's atmosphere. Not only the Town Square, called Plac, comes to life, but the festive events of Pisana Loka are scattered throughout the municipality of Škofje Loka.

As part of White December, the Škofje Loke Tourist Association and Society for the development of urban culture this year has prepared a varied program that promises a pleasant end to the old year and a magical entry into the new year. Adi Smolar, Muff and SheEva, Demolition Group, Don Mentony Band, Chatte Noire, Vižanje z Maks, Same Babe, a visit from Santa Claus and Santa Claus, and a New Year's Eve party with the Calypso band are just some of the events on this year's program. Welcome to White December! 

You can read more about the White December event program at: www.skofjaloka.info, www.skofja-loka.com and www.pisanaloka.si 

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