Photo: Samsung

The Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 proves that tablets are convenient and versatile


Samsung introduced three new models of the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 series tablets this year, setting a new standard for premium Android tablets.

The most common criticism of tablets was that they were slightly behind smartphones in terms of features. That's right Samsung tablets Galaxy Tab S series are those tablets that have always been synonymous with excellence. Since tablets have become multitasking, they can even replace laptops on many occasions.

Photo: Samsung

This year, Samsung strengthened its range of tablets. In addition to the Galaxy Tab S8, it launched two other larger models, Galaxy Tab S8+ and Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra, which has a huge 14.6-inch screen. The biggest so far.

Capabilities at the level of the best smartphones

Since they have become multi-tasking, however, they can in some scenarios replace even laptops. This is also why Samsung has already equipped its Galaxy Tab S series tablets with a state-of-the-art processor in the entry-level model Snapdragon 8 Gen 1, with 8 GB of working memory and 128GB/256GB, thus creating an excellent basis for your new most popular multimedia device. The internal elements are not far behind the screens that are in AMOLED technology and refresh at up to 120 Hz, which means that even the most demanding games will run extremely smoothly. If we support everything together with the environment Android 12L, which enables a taskbar and multitasking – we get a device that surpasses most devices of this type on the market in just about everything. The company also works with these qualities from 8,000 mAh to 11,200 mAh large battery. The possibility is also interesting 5G connectivity, support WiFi 6 and WiFi Direct Bluetooth® 5.2.

Photo: Samsung

Android 12L also brings a special taskbar that enables split-screen and user interface improvements, making the tablet user interface more intuitive and user-friendly than ever before. Going forward, users of the Galaxy Tab S8 series can enjoy the faster, more intuitive switching between applications, more flexible layouts, frictionless multitasking, and apps that look better than ever on big screens.

High level photography too

Samsung knows that photography is also of primary importance to users, which is why it has equipped the Galaxy Tab S series tablets with an excellent camera system. It's in front 12 MP ultra-wide selfie camera, and on the back side 13 MP autofocus lens and 6 MP ultra-wide lens. They can all record HD video up to 4K and 60 frames per second, and the front camera has a new one auto framing function, which automatically adjusts the shot to try to keep you in the frame if you're moving. Of course, the cameras have software support for your home office. So you can scan documents quickly and effortlessly and take advantage of many multitasking options. For example, you write an email and at the same time check facts online.

Of course, the fact that it is new should not be overlooked the Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra tablet intended also for those who use this type of device for presentations and presentations to customers. It has screen with a diagonal of 14.6 inches. This screen, however, is joined by convenience S Pen stylus with which you can draw, sketch and write. Just like on paper. The latter feature will be appreciated by designers and architects, who will be able to record notes and changes to their plans with a pen.

Photo: Samsung

Phenomenal sound from as many as four speakers

But we must not forget to mention more than the excellent sound of the tablet, which is almost as important as the excellent image in multimedia devices. The four speakers in the Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 get surprisingly loud and supportive Dolby Atmos. The speakers themselves deliver sound that is clear and resonant. Really important both in presentations and when watching your favorite series.

Samsung ecosystem connectivity

Do you have multiple Samsung devices? Then you will easily switch between them. Are you watching a video on your Samsung TV, but would you like to continue watching in bed on your new Samsung tablet? Nothing easier than that. The same goes for the phone. Of course, everything is complemented with all other devices of the Samsung ecosystem and other Android devices.


Samsung is with Android tablets Galaxy Tab S8 series set new benchmarks for all competition. It is truly about innovative technologies that are intuitively connected. You can use the new multitasking on them, create art with the S Pen, and take photos with the cameras.

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