
Samsung The Wall Luxury: TV that NEVER switches off

After Samsung shocked at the beginning of this year with a 219-inch Micro LED display called The Wall, it has now announced its luxury version. Here is The Wall Luxury!

Samsung he presented The Wall Luxury, a luxurious version of the modular screen The Wall, which uses revolutionary Micro LED technology – the latter is based on the operation of millions of inorganic LED chips that emit light and thus produce an image on the screen.

The Wall Luxury adapts to the needs of the consumer, as it can take a whole range of shapes with diagonals between 73 (resolution 2K) and incredible 292 inches (resolution 8K). A borderless infinity screen that is as thick as anything 30 millimeters, and blends in pleasantly and imperceptibly with the room. It is designed in such a way that it never goes out, but turns into after the end of use digital canvas with motifs of the user's choice and works as a picture on the wall.

The Wall Luxury blends in with its surroundings.
The Wall Luxury blends in with its surroundings.

The device offers a number of features that help enhance the user experience. It is interesting above all increasing the resolution with the help of artificial intelligence, the refresh rate 120 Hz and technology Quantum HDR, which creates maximum brightness 2000 threads.

The price of The Wall Luxury screen, which is coming to the shelves in July, is not yet known. But we can expect this prestige to cost a lot!

The first customers will get to their account soon.
The first customers will get to their account soon.

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