
Sand art castles that amaze

New York artist and true genius in the creation of sand sculptures Calvin Seibert returns this time with incredibly complex geometric shapes of his sculptures. He started with the idea of building something completely different each time and letting his imagination run free during creation. The result of the work is fantastic shapes that look like they are from another planet.

It is with your own hands and plastic tools Calvin Seibert made mold and small sand designed in sculptures, which he spent hours and even days to complete. What exactly is his method of keeping the sand sculptures together? Water is the element that sand needs. A well-designed base and a lot of experience in the production of edges contribute to the final work of art.

Calvin says building sand castles out of sand is good test, which, compared to nature, cannot be compared to the human factor. Nature has the power to create and destroy. The artist enjoys a challenge, and in his opinion, the best part of creating is letting the form evolve and grow as it does "organic machine". It can only be stopped by the zeitgeist or the power of the waves, which flatten them against the sandy shore.

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