
The SanDisk Ultra Fit 3.0 is the world's smallest 128GB USB flash drive

SanDisk Ultra Fit 3.0 is the world's smallest 128 GB USB flash drive.

The question of where SanDisk put 128 GB of space in its new Ultra Fit USB flash drive is similar to the "rhetorical" question from the anecdote about the four elephants and Fičot. Two in the front and two in the back. Although it seems physically impossible, SanDisk has managed to create a USB stick that is only slightly larger than a USB connector. And since cloud storage hasn't killed the need to store on a USB memory stick, SanDisk's Ultra Fit 3.0 will win you over.

Memory key companies SanDisk Ultra Fit 3.0 it's big like a euro coin as it measures only 19.1 x 15.9 x 8.8 millimeters. Despite the small size of the case, you can put anything on it 128 GB of data, which, to put it more plastically, means 16 hours of HD videos 1080p or a bunch of movies at home. Ultra Fit 3.0 is actually like an ant, as it can lift a multiple of its own "weight".

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The SanDisk Ultra Fit 3.0 memory stick is almost invisible.
The SanDisk Ultra Fit 3.0 memory stick is almost invisible.

Because it is so small, you can lose it quickly, but it transfers data even faster by itself, because it works at the speed of light. That's right, Golta 130 megabytes per second, which does not rank it among the fastest USB 3.0 keys, but we told you it was the smallest, right?! There will also be slightly less "packed" brothers, one with capacity 16 GB, 32 GB and 64 GB, and you will get a mini-giant for a small fee 106 euros. Meanwhile, the outer disks are shaking their pants.

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