
Saturday's fairytale adventure with the book Muca Joli in cat school

Greetings to young and old fairy-tale enthusiasts! At the beginning of the new school year, we decided in the children's bookshop Kres pod gradom that the Saturday fairy hour will be held in the spirit of the school. Once again, the selected fairy tale, Muca Joli in cat school, will be read by an experienced...

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children's bookshop Kres pod gradom, Krekov trg 2 (in the Lutkovne gadališče building, entrance on the right side of the building, opposite the funicular), Ljubljana
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Greetings to young and old fairy-tale enthusiasts!

At the beginning of the new school year, we decided in the children's bookshop Kres pod gradom that the Saturday fairy hour will be held in the spirit of the school. Once again, the selected fairy tale, Muca Joli in cat school, will be read by experienced fairy tale writer Jana Osojnik.

The school yard - a real celebration! There are a lot of cats and kittens there, laughing, shouting, blowing, playing, jumping, going crazy, scratching, lasing. Joli, the brave-legged cat, swings the clock on the climbing pole. But as always, they are caught by a loud bell, the joy outside is now over.

Happy day with kitty Joli at the cat school. Learning is fun for her, as she has good friends and a friendly teacher at school.

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Collection of children's bookstore Kres pod gradom

contact: 041 338 808

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