
SBI: 11th Slovenian Illustration Biennale

Let's treat ourselves to something beautiful and surrender to the charm of art. Namely, the time of the 11th Slovenian Biennale of Illustration is approaching, which faithfully brings together the older and younger generations of illustrator artists and awards the best achievements, plaques and Hink Smrekar awards. Year after year, the event maintains its creative power and reveals the excellence of Slovenian illustration, and at the same time monitors new artistic expressions and techniques.

Important information
Prešernova cesta 10, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
2 - 4€

On 11th Slovenian Illustration Biennale, which faithfully unites older and younger generations of illustrator artists, in addition to reviewing the selected production of the last two years, in collaboration with an art historian Maria Skočir also saw a more extensive presentation of the illustrator's work by the academic painter Jožeta Ciuha, this year's recipient the Hinko Smrekar award for life's work. The selection of the works and the decision on the awards are this time in the hands of the jury 11. SBI composed of: dr. Petja Grafenauer, Jelka Godec Schmidt, Andreja Čeligoj, Jernej Stritar and Nina Pirnat Spahić.

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