
Schnap - hammock for the office

Office sleeping net Schnap

How many times would you like to take a short nap in the office? Now you can, and comfortably, because design student Aqil Raharji from OCAD University in Toronto has developed the perfect workplace sleeping corner. The Schnap hammock, which is mounted right under the table!

How often do you fall asleep at the office? Probably every other day. Short sleep it can be refreshing, but often you don't have the conditions for it and then you support your head with your hand for half the day, and your elbow crawls on the table like a snail before you hit your head on the table and realize that you fell asleep for a moment. The solution to such problems is hammock design student Aqil Raharjoa, who hears the name Schnapps.

READ MORE: Hydro Hammock – a hammock that can also be a hot tub

We hated him in kindergarten, we would kill for him at work. For an afternoon/morning nap.
We hated him in kindergarten, we would kill for him at work. For an afternoon/morning nap.

Schnap hammock can with the help of a clamp mount right under the table. All you need is a pillow and possibly a soft base and you have the ultimate sleeping corner at the workplace. Of course, before taking a break, ask your boss for permission so that you are not caught napping at work without consent.

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