
Science finds that friendships satisfy men more than romantic relationships

The use of the term "bromance", which means a close relationship between two heterosexual men, took root in English. Men are even said to prefer this type of friendship over romantic relationships.

This is the opinion of the researchers who published their study in the journal Men and Masculinities. Close male relationships have become significantly more so recently socially acceptable, so it can quickly happen that the bonds between men and women will weaken.

The concept of two men being friends is nothing new. Let's just remember - Abraham Lincoln shared a bed with a friend for many years. According to the observation of scientists from the English University of Winchester the negative belief about this type of relationship only took hold in second half of the 20th century.

Male friendships have gained popularity again thanks to examples from the world of celebrities (former American president Barack Obama and vice president Joe Biden) and films such as 40 years old virgin.

The researchers examined the importance of such friendships with a survey in which participants participated 30 heterosexual second-year students of sports programs, who are in a current relationship or have recently ended it.

During the study, they found that each of the respondents has at least one 'bromantic' friend, with whom he shares his secrets. All but one admitted that they had already cuddled with their friend.

Male friends offer something that women cannot.
Male friends offer something that women cannot.

The survey sample is, of course too small, so that her findings could be generalized to the entire male population. The authors are in latest research analysis, which was published in May this year, focused on differences between romantic and friendship relationships.

Students consider them theirs Unlike partners, close friends do not judge. One of the participants thus revealed that he can admit to his friend that he listens to Taylor Swift and Beyonce, while he is not ready to reveal it to his girlfriend.

Men share their feelings more easily with same-sex friends. They often exchange with them information about health problems, family situation

True friends always put you in a good mood.
True friends always put you in a good mood.

The difference between 'bromance' and romance was perfectly described by the respondent, who believes that the two concepts differ in three factors: sexual attraction, emotional connection and character. Brotherly love needs the last two, while romantic love with sexual attraction needs at least one of the remaining two.

Men mostly agree that they can satisfy better with close friendships the need for emotional connection.

Can you trust your partner with personal things?
Can you trust your partner with personal things?

The fact is, they are men ready to spend more and more time together. This is especially welcome for those who feel that they cannot reveal all their feelings to women. Experts are therefore worried about the future of relationships between men and women, which are said to be becoming more and more dependent on sexual attraction.

It may well happen that men will prefer to share an apartment with their friend even after the end of their studies. According to many, they are intimate relationships temporary, friendships but in many cases they last whole life.

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