
Science proves: children who play with mud and sand grow up stronger and healthier

Science proves: children who play with mud and sand grow up stronger and healthier

Who says there's anything wrong with playing in mud and sand? Quite the opposite - scientists claim that children with activities in nature should strengthen the lemon system and thus pave the way to a healthy life.

It is not unusual for parents to worry about the safety and hygiene of their children - but recently it has been noticed that the younger generations are spending less and less time outside. Writer Richard Louv therefore conducted interviews with approx 3000 families and came to an alarming conclusion: nowadays many children prefer to spend time at home than outside, where they are entertained by various technological devices.

Children are spending more and more time in front of computer screens.
Children are spending more and more time in front of computer screens.

At the same time, he emphasizes that children should always live with microorganisms in soil and grass, as they thus contribute to development of the immune system - external activities should be encouraged at the same time creativity and reduce stress and depression. According to his findings, the dirt that occasionally finds its way onto children's bodies also benefits them.

According to research published in the journal Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, children who grow up with pets are less likely to develop allergies - this can be attributed to constant contact with endotoxins, toxic substances found in bacteria.

Playing in nature has many positive effects.
Playing in nature has many positive effects.

If we want our children to develop at a young age high level of resistance, they are needed expose to nature. This is the only way for their immune system to be able to recognize invaders and know how to deal with them.

We must not forget the fact that physical activities on outdoor surfaces are also positive because strengthening of body and spirit. With their help, it is possible to avoid some diseases of the modern age, such as obesity.

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