
Science revealed: these are the years when women have the most….!

Scientists have discovered: these are the years when women would surrender to their sexuality almost every day!

You know, sometimes we have more will to have sex, sometimes less... But scientists from the University of Texas (Austin) discovered that women prefer to teach sexuality between the ages of 27 and 45! The desire was said to be expressed so much at that time mainly because it was supposed to start ticking for them biological clock. Women in these years not only indulge in sex more often, but also report on to a greater number of sexual fantasies, which are more intense than before. However, these do not necessarily refer to an existing partner. So are they more ready for "one-night stands" and on casual sex. With menopause, the desire for sex decreases.

In comparison, men feel the greatest need for sexuality in their teenage years, after which this desire subsides and remains roughly the same for the rest of their lives. They are also sexually active in their 70s.

Women feel the greatest need for sexual activity between the ages of 27 and 45.
Women feel the greatest need for sexual activity between the ages of 27 and 45.

The findings of the survey on women's sexual activity are valid both for single women and for women in relationships or married women. It should also not be affected by the fact whether the woman is already a mother or not.

Why are women more sexually active in middle age?

The researchers of this study, which was published in the Journal of Personality and Individual Differences, state that there are purely evolutionary reasons. Women have a much easier time getting pregnant in their early 20s, and therefore don't really need much sexual activity. Towards the age of 30, they face a harsh reality: it will be harder and harder to get pregnant. And that's why women should answer that with a yes they seek more and more sexual activity.

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