
Science says that beauty is a feeling, not an appearance. So how do you catch her?

Science says that beauty is a feeling, not an appearance. So how do you catch her?

We have already learned that tastes are not to be discussed. Not only between individuals, but also between different parts of the world and cultures, beauty is a relative thing. If looking at your reflection in the mirror has always convinced you that you belong among beautiful people, one thing is certain: it is a feeling that many people cannot capture. But here are tips on how.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. However, this is clearly not about beauty, as we thought until now, but rather feeling, which the person gives it to you and Mrs feels. New research shows, that beauty is a feeling and not a person's physical appearance. Obviously, therefore, the saying that beauty it starts from within and manifests itself outward, true. More beauty than internalize, the more you will beautiful and feel good in their own skin.

Beauty starts from within and manifests outward.
Beauty starts from within and manifests outward.

According to researchers from New York University beauty is much simpler than people they think. The researchers analyzed various teachings and thoughts of several different eminent philosophers from Plato to Wilde, as well as more recent findings neuroscience and they came to the conclusion that beauty is in reality feeling satisfaction that with by intensifying it increases the feeling of pleasure.

Beauty is supposed to be a feeling of satisfaction.
Beauty is supposed to be a feeling of satisfaction.

Beauty is like that emotion like something tangible, experts told Elite Daily. Beauty is a response to moment. If you listen to music while getting dressed in the morning and look in the mirror after a while, you will feel better and more beautiful than a few minutes ago. Beauty is something you can feel all day, every day, but it's up to you if you will made this connection.

You can try to feel the beauty with these three ways.

1. Meditation

Wherever you are, close your eyes and breathe.
Wherever you are, close your eyes and breathe.

Wherever you are, close your eyes and breathe. Take a deep breath and try your best to focus on how you feel. According to opinion Robert Glatter, assistant professor of emergency medicine, practicing meditation can be an ideal way to create emotional stability and an inner sense of pleasure. This will train you to identify the things that make you feel the happiest.

2. Creative things

Creative projects are something that makes you feel better.
Creative projects are something that makes you feel better.

Creative projects are something that makes you feel better. According to Glatter, performing a creative activity is the most effective way to have feelings of beauty in your soul. Painting, creative writing, drawing or anything else can stimulate creativity, confidence and can also contribute to a sustainable sense of inner beauty. Even if you don't feel like you're the artistic type, you can try to do those things that will bring you positive feelings, concludes Glatter.

3. Authentic life

Authenticity starts with self-awareness.
Authenticity starts with self-awareness.

The only thing that matters right now is you, but it's clear that sometimes you feel like you have to fit a certain mold. Well, Glatter says that's not entirely true, because a more authentic life will also make you more beautiful and happy. Authenticity starts with self-awareness, he says. It means don't be afraid to be who you really are.

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