
Science says you'll be 65 percent calmer after this song

Are you stressed? Is it giving you anxiety? This song will calm your mind, your heart and your nervous system, says science.

We all know that stress is not healthy and that we need to balance the unpleasant feelings that fill us with problems in various areas of life. One of the most effective therapies for stress relief is sound therapy. Just think how we calm down when we are good chill-out music or how good a lively song feels to us when we have a head full of everything.

Are you stressed? Relax with this track (Photo: Shutterstock)
Are you stressed? Relax with this track. (Photo: Shutterstock)

READ MORE: This track was created by an artificial intelligence

British scientists have gone one step further and researched which melodies are the ones that have the most calming effect on us and which help us deal with stress the easiest. How did they do it? Test subjects were asked to solve difficult puzzles that trigger a certain form of stress in the individual. Heart rate, blood pressure and breathing rate were measured while solving puzzles. They proved that the participants in the research calmed down the most with the melody below, which slowed their heart rate, lowered their blood pressure and calmed their breathing. Turn up the volume, close your eyes and relax. It will benefit you.

VIDEO: This is the music that will calm you down by 65 percent

Science has also proven that stress is associated with a range of health problems, such as heart disease, depression, gastrointestinal problems, asthma and much more, and it also has a negative impact on interpersonal relationships. Need another reason to chill?

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