

The four-day street festival, which combines science and improvisation, always impresses all curious people, young and old. This year, it takes place in six different locations in the center of Ljubljana, and the program covers more than forty different points, which are mainly performed by guests from abroad. During ...

Important information
House of Experiments and various locations in the city center, Trubarjeva 39, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

The four-day street festival, which combines science and improvisation, always impresses all curious people, young and old. This year, it takes place in six different locations in the center of Ljubljana, and the program covers more than forty different points, which are mainly performed by guests from abroad. In the time of mischievous, humorous, surprising and spectacular playing with the laws of nature, we can go to the House of Experiments, because the doors have been closed for all visitors. The central event of the Znanstival is the Saturday spectacle on Stritarjeva street between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m.

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