
Scientifically proven: lefties are smarter than righties

Of course, we are not talking about political orientation, but rather your left or right hand. Which do you use to write or grab a doorknob? Do you kick the ball with your left or right foot? Have you ever wondered why one hand is dominant?

The world is a bit unforgiving to left-handed people - tools, instruments, kitchen utensils... are mostly made for right-handed people. Those who write with the left have no choice, like adjusting.

But times have changed and scientists have come to the realization that are lefties smarter than righties Research online newspaper IFL Science will put a smile on left-handed people's faces. History already teaches us that there were some geniuses like them Mozart, Leonardo da Vinci and even Barack Obama, leftists. So what is the connection between your dominant hand and your brain?

Leftists they were supposed to be a fight dependent on the right cerebral hemisphere, and right-handed people from the left, and if we know that each side works differently and takes care of completely different areas, it is not difficult to conclude that this also affects the connection of hand dominance. The right half of the brain is responsible for the perception of space, emotions and physiological changes. It allows us to see the bigger picture and process information in the present. Here and now. That's how leftists are supposed to have it greater corpus callosum, the part of the brain that connects the two spheres, and are said to be capable process information better.

Scientifically proven: lefties are smarter!
Scientifically proven: lefties are smarter!

The research that followed the hypothesis was conducted during more than 2,300 schoolchildren, both elementary and high school students. But they evaluated theirs mathematical skills. The results showed that they are mainly left-handed boys performed better on the tests than right-handed boys. It is also interesting that the tests were performed worst by 'extreme' right-handers, those who always use only their right hand.

Left-handed people are said to be better able to process information.
Left-handed people are said to be better able to process information.

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