
Scientists claim that life after death is impossible

Controversies about whether life after death exists are relevant even in the 21st century - the professional opinion on this phenomenon is divided, and cosmologist and physicist Carroll gives the following reasons why life after death is impossible.

Those of you who believe that life after death exists, you will have to on this topic to think a little more, as many scientists claim that we have to come to terms with the fact that our life ends after death.

Sean Carroll, a cosmologist and professor of physics at the California Institute of Technology, says they are laws of physics, on which everyday life is based, completely understandable – if you would like to achieve life after death, but it would be ours consciousness had to be completely separate from our body.

If we wanted to achieve life after death, however, our consciousness would have to be completely separate from our body.
If we wanted to achieve life after death, however, our consciousness would have to be completely separate from our body.

Human consciousness is, as he says, made up of atoms and electrons. Some forms of consciousness are still present in the brain, even when the body is no longer alive, but you atoms and electrons face insurmountable obstacles. There is no way for these forms of consciousness to persist in our brains after we die.

Proceeding from quantum field theory, says Carroll, for each type of particle there is one field in the universe – one for protons, another for electrons and other types of particles. If there was an afterlife, it would quantum tests revealedspiritual particles" and "spiritual forces", but as Carroll says, they they never did.

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