Did you know that you don't need pills, sex toys, and you don't need to read the book 50 Shades of Gray to increase your sexual appetite? The scientists, who published their findings in the Journal of Sexual Medicine and the Journal of the American Medical Association, found that the easiest way to increase sexual desire is to get enough sleep. To make it more lively under the sheets, you need to spend a little more time there.
People like to look for some hidden reasons, but often it is quite basic and lies right in front of our noses. The same applies when it comes to bed activities. People in need sexual harassment they quickly think of Viagra, of sex toys, of unfulfilled fantasies, but mostly when for low libido psychological or biological factors are not to blame, we can increase sexual desire without external help and without any strain. With sleep. That's right. If we want to improve sex life, we have to spend more time between the sheets. Wedge with wedge. Well, except that in this case it is about sleep and not sexual activities. At least that's what a study published in the journal says Journal of Sexual Medicine, where they published the results of a survey in which female students were asked about their sleeping and sexual habits. And the result?
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What about men? Men also need a sufficient amount of sleep, as a study published in the journal also found Journal of the American Medical Association she showed that she was sleep is the key to greater sexual performance and durability. A mere week with less than the required number of hours can make a mess testosterone level to the level as they would be 15 years older. So if you men don't want to advance your biological clock, stop staying up late at night or at least take a nap from time to time. The same goes for women.
For more details, watch the video below: