
Scientists say you should sleep naked

Put away pajamas and oversized t-shirts. Scientists are of the opinion that Eve's costume is the best "pajama" ever, and the reasons for this are quite simple. Read why you should sleep naked.

Why you should sleep naked:

We sleep better when our body temperature is lower.

We sleep much better when our body temperature is lower, and the less we wear, the less heat we retain. Even the slightest rise in body temperature (such as 0.4 degrees Celsius) can increase activity in certain parts of our brain, disrupting sleep.

We sleep much better when the body temperature is lower.
We sleep much better when the body temperature is lower.

READ MORE: This is food for better sleep - what to eat before bed

More emotional closeness

Body temperature is not the only factor. When we sleep naked next to our partner, our body produces more oxytocin. It is the love hormone that improves our mood, takes care of the immune system and helps us feel emotional closeness.

Why should you sleep naked? To connect emotionally even more!
Why should you sleep naked? To connect emotionally even more!

We fall asleep faster and wake up easier.

If we sleep naked, it means that there are no wrinkles in the clothes, which usually hinder the exchange of heat. And it is good for our blood circulation. It also helps us fall asleep faster and wake up easier – something many of us want.

We fall asleep faster and wake up easier.
We fall asleep faster and wake up easier.

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