If most of the first drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) were in the service of the motherland, today's 'youth' prefers to stay on the sports fronts, where just as much, if not more, action takes place than on the battlefield. And when the drones are not in a military uniform or a sports jersey, they are trying on something else, such as shooting fireworks.
Even if you've ever watched fireworks before 'first row', but this position was still 'back row' in terms of level of experience compared to 'VIP' seats for fireworks over Florida (West Palm Beach) conjured by a drone DJI Phantom 2 with GoPro Hero 3 silverd camera and which took us right into the heart of the action. Literally.
By learning ever new skills, drones will take over the role man's best friend? I don't think pets need be afraid of this primate, but you'd rather take a drone than a dog to watch a pyrotechnic explosion. If you like the latter, of course.
Must watch in HD (HD)!
READ MORE: The AirDog drone captures your every sporting feat