French comic book artist Matthias Lehmann, known for his work in the specific art technique of "scratching", will be visiting Ljubljana for two days. On the first day, he will present the album Ezekiel's Tears in the mobile Kiosk unit, and on the second day, April 15, the author, who also draws for Le Monde and Liberation, will lead a workshop on the technique between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. ...
Francoski stripovski avtor Matthias Lehmann, znan po ustvarjanju v specifični likovni tehniki “praskanja”, bo dva dneva gostoval v Ljubljani. Prvi dan bo v mobilni enoti Kiosk predstavil album Ezikelove solze, drugi dan, 15. Aprila, pa bo avtor, ki riše tudi za Le Mond in Liberation, med 16. in 20. uro vodil delavnico tehnike praskanja. Prijava na delavnico: