
Sculpture Today: The New Renaissance and Transhumanism

Gallery of Contemporary Art, 20.9. - 28.10.2012 Participants: - Marko Peljhan - Maja Smrekar - Robertina Šebjanič - Špela Petrič - Polona Tratnik - Dunja Zupančič - Dragan Živadinov - Miha Turšič With the third edition of the project...

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Gallery of Contemporary Art Celje, Trg Celjske knezov 8, Celje
Facebook event
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Free entry.

Gallery of Contemporary Art, 20.9. – 28/10/2012


– Marko Peljhan
– Maja Smrekar
– Robertina Šebjanič
– Špela Petrič
– Polona Tratnik
– Dunja Zupančič
– Dragan Živadinov
– Miha Turšič

With the third edition of the Sculpture project, today we cover the field of sculpture conditionally, and yet: we thematize the very modern phenomenon of the interweaving of art and science, which can be connected right to the beginnings of the phenomenon that we gave the name of art in the course of modernity.


If we try to imagine a creator of the Renaissance type in today's time, we must take into account the current reach of science and technology, which is significantly more complex than that of the Renaissance, when, last but not least, we cannot even talk about science in the modern sense. What we understand today as science and technology is much more complex, technologically sophisticated, knowledge-rich and financially abundant than were the beginnings of modern science in the Renaissance. In the last decade, practices at the intersection of art and science have been consolidated, contemporary art centers encourage the work of artists in laboratories and collaboration with scientists in transdisciplinary projects. We designed the New Renaissance and Transhumanism project experimentally: we enabled artists and research groups to carry out joint research and present the results, which can be diverse and not necessarily "refined" aesthetic installations. What will be the proportion and method of the scientific contribution and how much emphasis will be placed on the artistic work in the individual project and its presentation was therefore a question left to the individual groups. We are aware that with this we have opened up a series of current questions, such as: what is today's understanding of art and its meaning, what does authorship mean, what does scientific research mean, what can an artist contribute to a scientific project, etc., which will still be needed to pawn. There are no easy answers to it, and one of the purposes of this project is to provide a platform that will enable or even force certain answers to it, which we will be able to discuss to some extent already during the duration of the project: with artists, scientists and curators, but also with aesthetes - for for this purpose, we connected the project with a related project in the field of aesthetics, the colloquium of the Slovenian Society of Aesthetics entitled Transcendent Art: Art – Science – Philosophy. On October 13, we are organizing a symposium in the gallery, where the groups will present their projects.

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