
The Secret Life of Trees - Even trees have emotions and feel pain

The secret life of trees

Did you know that trees have emotions, memory and feelings, that they communicate with each other and care for each other? Amazing things happen in the forests, which the forester and 'tree whisperer' Peter Wohlleben sheds light on in his book. His book The Hidden Life of Trees, which became a global bestseller, was also given a documentary film Intelligent Trees, which offers us a unique insight into the mysterious world of trees and teaches us to admire the wonders of nature. With this realization, those living trees from The Lord of the Rings make a lot more sense.

Trees as social creatures? After you read the book The secret life of trees (The Hidden Life of Trees) or watched a documentary film Intelligent Trees, based on this worldwide bestseller, you will never look at forests and trees the same way again. In it, we immerse ourselves in the mysterious world of trees, which illuminates it Peter Wohlleben, who incorporated scientific knowledge and his own forestry experience into the story, which shows us the other side of the forest. Trees are represented as social creatures, that is with emotions and the ability to communicate.

Did you know that trees, like people, are social creatures?
Did you know that trees, like people, are social creatures?

For many people, the forest seems like a fairy-tale place, as it represents peace, quiet and unspoiled nature. Wohlleben tells us that trees have emotions, feelings and memory, to communicate with each other (for example, through chemical substances such as smells), yes they feel pain, that they take care of the elderly and the elderly and that they can even they get sunburns and wrinkles! It sounds unbelievable, but it's the truth.

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The comprehensive book The Secret Life of Trees is a love letter to the forest and the documentary Intelligent Trees as an animated film The Secret Life of Pets for Trees. As one of the readers says: "If you read this book, I believe that the forests will also become for you magical places.”

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