
The Secret of Kells

Directed by: Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey. Cast: Evan McGuire, Mick Lally, Christen Mooney, Brendan Gleeson, Liam Hourrican, Paul Tylac, Michael McGrath, Paul Young. Twelve-year-old Brendan lives in an abbey run by his uncle Cellach. Day after day, the monks build a high wall to protect them from the constant...

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Directed by: Tomm Moore, Nora Twomey.
Cast: Evan McGuire, Mick Lally, Christen Mooney, Brendan Gleeson, Liam Hourrican, Paul Tylac, Michael McGrath, Paul Young.

Twelve-year-old Brendan lives in an abbey run by his uncle Cellach. Day after day, the monks build a high wall that is supposed to protect them from the constant attacks of the Vikings. One day, however, the famous illuminator Aiden takes refuge in the abbey, carrying with him a mysterious and unfinished book of wisdom. Young Brendan is fascinated by the beautiful illuminations, and Aiden takes him on as his assistant despite the displeasure of the abbot, Brendan's uncle. Brendan is learning the art of painting a manuscript, but to complete the book he must venture beyond the walls of the abbey into an enchanted forest full of mysterious paths and mythological creatures. The visually rich animated cartoon tells the story of Ireland in the early Middle Ages and the creation of one of the most beautiful and best-preserved historical manuscripts, the Book of Kells. The film is entirely hand-drawn and animated and earned a 2010 Oscar nomination.

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