
Body Language Secrets: 5 Signals That Tell People What's On Your Mind

Body Language Secrets: 5 Signals That Tell People What's On Your Mind

Your body language says a lot about your thoughts, but you don't even realize it - these are 5 signals that give people away what's on your mind.

The signals you send to people with your body language is a socially useful skill. At least that's what scientists say, who found that human communication is largely made up of body language (55 %) as a tone of voice (38 %) and speech (7 %).

Words often don't convey what you feel, while body language does absolutely every emotion, if it is positive or negative. You just have to learn how to read such signals.

5 signals that let people know what's on your mind:

Crossed arms and legs

If the person you're talking to sits cross-legged while you pitch your ideas to them, that's it can be a sign, that she is not interested, what are you talking about. While she may be smiling, her body language tells a different story.
If we analyze this kind of position from a psychological point of view, crossed legs and arms show that the person is mentally, emotionally and physically she resists what is before her – it is an unintentional attitude that people are not even aware of.

5 signals that let people know what's on your mind...
5 signals that let people know what's on your mind...

A sincere smile

Words can hide the truth, but eyes never. With a sincere smile the person draws tiny laugh lines around the eyes. People often laugh only because they want to hide what they are really thinking and feeling.
So if you want to know if a person is really laughing, look at their face. If the wrinkles have disappeared, something is obviously not working.

Mimicking someone else's body language

Have you noticed that some people unintentionally they mimic your body language. There is nothing wrong with such actions, as the person only shows that they are feels a connection with you and approves of your point of view.

Eye contact

Someone probably already told you to look him in the eye, while they are talking. Parents tend to use these types of approaches when trying to convince a child to tell them the truth. And apparently they are right.
You are considered a liar they dare not make eye contact, so some deliberately look at the interlocutor while lying. In this way, they try to convince him that they are not lying. The problem arises when the person tries too hard and insists to the point that the interlocutor feels uncomfortable.
On average, people maintain eye contact for up to 10 seconds. If a person looks calmly and attentively without blinking, this could be a sign, to lie.

Words can hide the truth, but eyes never.
Words can hide the truth, but eyes never.


There are said to be three things that the eyebrows communicate to the interlocutor: surprise, concern and fear.
Observe the interlocutor. If he's constantly raising his eyebrows during a conversation, but the topic of conversation isn't scary, surprising, or worrisome, it could be a sign that something is clearly not working.

Nodding your head

Head nodding can be a sign that the person is feeling cramped because they have a desire to be approved. If a person is constantly nodding their head, it can be a sign that they are worried about what you think of them.

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