
GoTenna, a pocket antenna for your smartphone with which you will never be cut off from the world again

Wi-Fi connection and signal are drugs for smartphones, and without them, they are like nervous wrecks who don't know exactly what to do with themselves. But there is a cure, the GoTenna, a pocket antenna that doesn't have the phrase "no network" in its vocabulary and that shows your phone that life without a carrier signal isn't the end of the world. And even if you are at the end of the world, it allows the phone to be functional and not just an end in itself.

Basic information
The price

GoTenna does not rely on satellites, Wi-Fi networks or signals operators, because all these sources have their faults. It is self-sufficient and does not submit to any foreign regime. It is independent and autonomous as its network is based on low frequency radio waves. It is 100% reliable and ready for any scenario, even a natural disaster when all other electronics fail.

Once it 'makes friends' with your phone and the phone of a friend/relative/colleague/..., GoTenna comes in a pair, a private network has been established between you, which is based on end-to-end encryption, which means that only you and the recipient can access it - anywhere and anytime.

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With continuous use, GoTenno works for up to 30 hours, otherwise 72, and even if you turn it on after a year, it will still be vital.
With continuous use, GoTenno works for up to 30 hours, otherwise 72, and even if you turn it on after a year, it will still be vital.

When you're hunting in remote places, when you're traveling abroad, when you're at a concert, at a match, or it's New Year's and the 'classic' network is overloaded, in case accidents and natural disasters. GoTenna 'covers' both fun and serious moments and can send emergency call to all GoTenna users nearby, the definition of which depends on the environment in which you are. Outside the urban environment, the SOS signal also travels to 80 kilometers, while he gets lost in the concrete jungle somewhere after 10s. Over offline maps and on its app it also allows you to give out your exact location.

Info Box

In pre-order, GoTenna is available for 110€, but when the company reaches the mark with sales 37 thousand €, the price for the pair will jump to 221€.

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