
Look, across the border!

Look, across the border! is a cycle of foreign guests, which presents us and the creators with relevant performances from theaters with similar content from abroad. Oktoberski Look, across the border! subtitled Gib, it is dedicated to physical theatre. The audience will thus get to know the theatrical study of Jožef Nadje, which he will present...

Important information
Glej Theater, Gregorčičeva 3, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
from 5 to 10 euros

Look, across the border! is a cycle of foreign guests, which presents us and the creators with relevant performances from theaters with similar content from abroad. Oktoberski Look, across the border! subtitled Gib, it is dedicated to physical theatre. The audience will thus get to know a theatrical study of Jožef Nadje, which will be presented by Milan Mađarev, as well as three performances that are rooted primarily in the body: a multimedia performance by Iva Ivančica Horvat and Katarina Đurđević entitled Ustava Republike, Nina Djekić will present the work Man in a solo dance performance -At-Arms, and the event will be completed by Mario Kovać's children's play The Game. 

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