
SEER: the world's most emotional robot that will become your friend in no time

The technological world is developing at the speed of light. Everything points to the fact that robots will soon completely replace humans. Not only will they take household chores on their shoulders, they will also listen to our problems.

Conference visitors SIGGRAPH, which took place between August 12 and 16 in Canada Vancouver, were able to use their time to talk to a unique robot. SEER, as it is called, differs from its relatives primarily in that it is capable emotional expression.

His very human-like head was designed by a Japanese artist Takayuki Todo. SEER will establish with the user eye contact, while he will imitate his facial expressions. This will be possible by changing the position of the eyes, eyebrows, eyelids and head.

If you don't know who to reveal your problems to, the emotional robot will always be there for you. He will certainly establish with you empathic attitude and brighten up your otherwise dreary day.

Gallery - SEER: the most emotional robot in the world

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