
Alpe-Adrija fair

The Tourism and Leisure Fair, as a recognizable meeting point of the region's leading tourism actors, attracts us every year with many innovations. This year, among other things, we can look forward to the Global Chef Challange cooking competition in front of the visitors. Along with the fair, we can also see the 8th nautical...

Important information
Economic Exhibition Center, Dunajska 18, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee

Sejem Turizem in prosti čas nas kot prepoznavno stičišče vodilnih turističnih akterjev regije vsako leto privabi s številnimi novostmi. Letos se med drugim lahko veselimo še tekmovanja kuharjev Global Chef Challange pred očmi obiskovalcev. Skupaj s sejmom si lahko ogledamo tudi 8. navtični salon.

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