
Send a Jart - Send a jar of farts to someone you don't like

Send farts in the theater.

A while ago we wrote that the website Dicks by Mail offers to send phallic gummy candies, but now you can give it to your enemies by sending them a jar of farts. Send a Jart is an online service that promises to send real farts trapped and airtight in a jar to the desired address. Inside, they will also enclose your personal dedication, with which you will tell the addressee why this "honor" befell him.

Send a Jart is an online service that offers you to choose between different fart smells (juicy, mild, sulphurous,...) or the degree of unpleasantness of the stench. At the same time, the question arises whether they have specially employed people who are according to the demand on selected diets, which cause certain intensity and smells of winds. We don't know, we're just guessing. Anyway. After choosing the desired scent, you give them more message content, and the company will within two to three days delivered an airtight jar of carefully selected stench to the addressee (someone you don't like). This is also the ideal time to smell they ferment and mature.

READ MORE: Dicks By Mail ships gummy penis candies

This is what "inserted" farts look like with an attached dedication.
This is what "inserted" farts look like with an attached dedication.

If you are not sure, Who would you send a glass of farts to?, at Send a Jart have prepared for you list of people, which they think they deserve it. These include arrogant bosses, desperate roommates, ex-boyfriends or girlfriends, and people who still wear a Bluetooth headset. And where and for how much can you order this cruel hoax? On sendajart.com for around 9 euros. And don't pretend that you wouldn't be happy to send this to someone.

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