
A powerful Supermoon is coming in September, bringing big changes: Check when it will happen and what impact it will have!

Great transformations are in store

Photo: envato

In September, celestial events await us that promise to have a profound impact on our lives. The first major event will be the new moon on September 3rd, which will offer a unique opportunity to adapt our body and spirit to needs that we often neglect. However, the highlight of the month will be the supermoon in the sign of Pisces, which will take place on September 18.

This lunar eclipse will not only be visually spectacular, but will also bring significant life changes and new paths for many of us. According to astrologers, we can expect Gemini to experience a special energy boost, while some other signs will experience grounding and facing reality. Get ready because this supermoon will be a powerful catalyst for change!

Lunar eclipses and their power

A lunar eclipse is not only a beautiful natural phenomenon, but also an important astrological event that symbolizes endings and new beginnings. When the lunar eclipse occurs in the sign of Pisces, the energy is particularly intense and groundbreaking. Pisces is a sign associated with intuition, emotions and deep spiritual insights. Therefore, this lunar eclipse will bring transformations on deep inner levels, both personal and spiritual.

What can we expect from this eclipse?

The lunar eclipse in Pisces brings a time of introspection and personal reflection. This is a period when we will be invited to look within ourselves and face our inner fears, hidden desires and unfulfilled longings. It's time to break free from the old patterns that limit us and embrace new paths that will lead us to a more fulfilled and balanced life.

What does the full moon bring? Photo: Gantas / Pexels

Eclipses in Pisces often also bring periods of completion of certain life chapters. This means that some stories in our lives will end, some bonds will be broken, but at the same time we will create space for new beginnings. This process may be accompanied by feelings of loss or confusion, but this is a natural part of the transition to a new era that brings greater clarity and inner strength.

Let's see what the lunar eclipse in Pisces brings you.


For Aries, this lunar eclipse will be an opportunity for retreat and introspection. You may feel the need to take a break from the outside world and focus on your inner well-being. This is a time to explore deep emotions and release old wounds that may still be present. Meditation and self-reflection will be particularly useful during this period.


Taurus will experience changes in their friendships and social circles. The eclipse will highlight the need to restructure your social relationships, which may bring the end of some friendships or open the door to new connections. Be open to new acquaintances that will help you in your personal growth.


For Gemini, this lunar eclipse will bring significant changes in the professional field. You may be considering a career change, or you may face challenges that will make you rethink your goals. This is the time to clearly define your ambitions and take steps in a direction that will bring you more fulfillment.


Cancers will feel a strong call to spiritual exploration and expanding their horizons. This eclipse will encourage you to connect with your inner wisdom and reflect on your life's mission. Travel, education or exploring new philosophies can bring you deep insights and personal growth.

What is hidden in it? Photo: Rdne / Pexels


Leos will experience a transformation in their financial affairs and intimate relationships. This lunar eclipse will highlight the need to face your deeper fears about safety and trust. This is the time to break free from old patterns that are preventing you from achieving financial stability and emotional closeness.

A virgin

Virgos will experience significant changes in their partner relationships. Lunar eclipses often bring endings, which can mean that some partnership will end, or you will begin a new, more harmonious relationship. Staying true to yourself and following your heart is key.


Libras will feel the need for a transformation in their daily routines and health. This eclipse will encourage you to change your habits and make changes that will help you feel better. Pay more attention to your body and mental health and find ways to balance your daily responsibilities.


For Scorpios, this lunar eclipse will bring a creative awakening and profound changes in their love life. You may feel a strong urge to express your emotions and creativity in new ways. Love relationships may deepen, or you may feel the need to break free from relationships that no longer serve you.

Happiness and playfulness. Photo: Alisson Souto / Pexels


Sagittarius will experience significant changes in their home environment and family relationships. Lunar eclipses often bring endings and new beginnings, which can mean changes in your living space or new dynamics in family relationships. This is the time to create a more harmonious home environment that will support your growth.


Capricorns will experience significant changes in the way they communicate and relate to their immediate surroundings. This lunar eclipse will emphasize the need for clarity and honesty in communication. You may need to consider how you express your thoughts and feelings and break free from patterns that limit you from expressing your truth.


Aquarians will experience strong changes in their financial affairs and values. Lunar eclipses often bring transformation, which can mean the end of certain financial situations or an opportunity for a new financial start. It's important to focus on your true values and incorporate them into your money decisions.


For Pisces, whose sign hosts this lunar eclipse, this will be an extremely powerful time of personal transformation. You may feel the need to make radical changes in your identity and the way you present yourself to the world. This is a time when you can break free from old patterns that have been holding you back and begin a new chapter in your life, more aligned with your true nature.

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