
Severa and Gal Gjurin

This time we will be able to help the Independent Life of the Handicapped Association YHD organization in a very fun way. We can attend a concert by great musicians. Sever and Gala Gjurin. We were able to meet both of them a few years ago in the Olivija group. Nowadays, however, they firmly and resolutely tread independent musical paths and...

Important information
Hall of the first Slovenian government, Trg first Slovenian government 1, , Ajdovščina
Facebook event
Entrance fee
10 euros in advance, 12 euros on the day of the concert.

This time we will be able to help the Independent Life of the Handicapped Association YHD organization in a very fun way. We can attend a concert by great musicians. Sever and Gala Gjurin. We were able to meet both of them a few years ago in the Olivija group. Nowadays, however, they firmly and resolutely follow independent musical paths and inspire both the young and the young at heart. This time they joined forces for charity. They will prepare an excellent concert for us, which we will not forget. So we will certainly hear hits such as Kadar sva samo, Kjer je warm, As if nothing happened, Crazy things, What everything was given, Again at home, In silence and many others. They will be joined on stage by the band Čedahuči. We will have to see and hear with our own eyes and ears what kind of arrangements they have prepared for us, how well-known hits will be heard in new guises, what kind of improvisations will take place on stage. All this and much more awaits us at the concert with a charity note. It's okay to listen to music that helps us and many, many others. 

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