
Several hundred swingers are preparing the "biggest orgy in the world"

Menage Life, an organization for "sexually open people", has recently unveiled its ambitious plan to break the unofficial world record for the "largest orgy in human history".

Saturday, June 2, 2018, you at Menage Life invite you to come (one way or another) to their eighth event Sin City, which will take place in Las Vegas. They expect it to come and cooperate more than a thousand swingers.
For now, the world record for the "biggest orgy in history" belongs to Japanese, where the years 250 men and 250 women united in sex. But at Menage Life they insist that they will be the new record holders.

You must purchase the appropriate ticket to join. The price is for a couple around 200 euros, and for single women around 25 euros. Participants will get convenient gifts: condoms, lubricants, hand towels and hand sanitizers. The organization promises a clean and comfortable space with clearly marked areas where waste and laundry will be disposed of. Participants will be identified upon arrival, and they will be signed the agreement ("no" means "no", ask before touching, ...). They will also be at the event security guards.
"Due to possible media attention, we will try to break the world record with masks, so you can expect a very erotic masquerade. Think of the movie Wide-Eyed Eyes," the organizers add.
Unfortunately for the event single men or men without partners are not allowed.

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