
Sexual etiquette: rules that are good to follow in intimate relationships

Photo: imdb

There are universal rules that everyone should follow if they want to earn respect and impress their partner. Experts point to etiquette, which separates inappropriate and elegant sexual behavior. In this article, we reveal to you what these rules are and what you should pay attention to.

Partners must adhere to a number of rules in intimate communication unwritten rules, as deviations from some can lead to disputes, they become a model of one's own image, and can also cause misunderstandings between partners or lovers.


"How many lovers have you had?" – you can answer this question quite elegantly. That the past and numbers mean nothing to you, you only care about your future. So you don't want to be pressured to find out something about yourself that you don't want to, so you don't answer or ask such questions.

If you answer this question completely openly, you can cause fear and discomfort in your partner. But you yourself come across as promiscuous, and thus there can be condemnation on both sides.


Sending erotic messages and photos

If you send erotic messages and photos, it is important that you only send them in a somewhat more artistic version, without your intimate parts that reveal too much. In any case, do not take photos of your face or details that would reveal that it is you. If you have "sexy" photos, keep them away from prying eyes. If your partner asks you to delete them, do so.

However, it is completely tasteless and inappropriate to send photos to anyone or even post them on social networks.

For one night

With such a relationship, you have to realize that you got into it for fun. Therefore, in such a relationship, the next day or any other day, you will not ask for something that will put both of you in an unfavorable position. In such relationships, there is no room for selfishness and emotions, so it is necessary to withdraw gracefully without any embarrassment.

It is totally inappropriate for a one-night stand to become angry, resentful, and ask yourself many questions that your one-night stand will not accommodate. Never assume that this person will want to see you the next day, or even several times without notice, or that they will just want to marry you.


Hygiene and environment

It is appropriate to take care of your personal hygiene. Take care of your hair, skin, intimate areas. It is also important that your bed is clean, you have a tidy room with pleasant lighting and some decent drinks in the fridge that will appeal to both of you.

It is completely distasteful not to take care of personal hygiene. Your room is messy, dirty, full of clothes and other dirty laundry.


Inappropriate calling

If you've had a glass too many, don't call your partner where he is. If you're ready to call anyway, check his position before taking action. It is elegant that you are able to accept his rejection as well.

But it is inappropriate to show up at his door in the middle of the night, knocking and shouting at the top of your voice. Angry messages or phone calls are also inappropriate.


Use of protection

The use of protection should become the daily norm. You must always have high-quality protection with you - a condom that you use at the appropriate time.

It is inappropriate for you to refuse protection, and possibly lie about your sexual health.

Oral satisfaction

It is elegant to praise his masculinity, you know how to discreetly find your satisfaction in it and withdraw if the matter takes too long. It is appropriate that you are also happy to watch him do it himself and use all the skills to meet his needs.

It is completely distasteful to scoff and be disinterested in satisfying him, to roll your eyes and wait for the suffering to end. A man must also be aware that pushing the nape of the neck and head will not bear fruit, nor will the image from erotic films. In any case, this is a mutual thing, which must take place spontaneously and without forcing.


If a woman hasn't climaxed, it's smart not to get mad at her. Namely, many women may also need additional stimulation for climax. So don't be afraid to use your skills, maybe even different gadgets to help you enjoy both.

If you don't have foreplay in your relationship, or it doesn't last long enough, it can be likely that there won't be a climax. Penetration without kisses, touches and neglecting any stimulation does not bring success.

Erection problems

If your partner is having trouble getting an erection, don't take it personally. Instead, help him with various stimulations, and tell him that you are attracted to him and that you want him.

However, it is completely wrong to perhaps even comment rudely, roll your eyes and wait for the matter to end. It is possible to be satisfied in different ways.

By sex

It is appropriate to discreetly wipe each other with a tissue, kiss after the act, try to stay close and exchange different thoughts.

However, it is inappropriate to immediately run into the shower and wash yourself for a long time. If you do not show interest after returning, even remain without touch and tenderness and want to leave, this is an indicator of disrespectful behavior.


Unless you live alone

If you do not live alone, it is elegant to remain discreet and not disturb the other residents. If you run into your partner's roommate, be nice and polite to them.

It is inappropriate to make noise, to be loud, even though you know you are not alone. You ignore your partner's roommates, walk around the apartment naked and disregard personal etiquette.


Coping with diseases

It is important to go for regular check-ups and pay attention to your body and any symptoms. If changes occur, you are obliged to get tested and notify those you have been in contact with.

Ignoring problems and symptoms and not using protection is irresponsible.

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