
Shaolin (China): Kung Fu – martial arts spectacle

Monks from the famous Chinese Shaolin Temple meditating and practicing the martial art of kung fu. The more than 1500-year-old traditional technique is based on mastering the life energy Qi. You are invited to the kung fu martial arts spectacle on March 31, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in the Tivoli Hall. In addition to watching an unforgettable spectacle, the audience will also be able to participate in an interactive way. Tickets are already on sale.

Important information
Tivoli Hall, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
20,00 €

An unforgettable event Kung Fu – a martial arts spectacle will unfold March 31, 2018, starting at 7:00 p.m Tivoli halls. Monks, starting from tradition of the famous Chinese Shaolin Temple in the province of Henan, will impress the audience with their above average physical abilities, which they reach through hard work along the path of meditation and practicing martial arts. Their technique is based on the control of life energy Qi, based on traditional, more than 1500 years old practice. A group of shamis (young monks) led by the 80-year-old master of the temple will show theirs amazing skills. In the spectacle they will be on viewers also participated in an interactive way. Tickets are already on sale!

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