
She glued together 13 thousand pennies and created an extraordinary floor - see the result

All DIY lovers will undoubtedly love the idea of Tonya Tooners, who tackled floor decoration in a completely unusual way. Instead of parquet, she came up with a floor made of 13,000 pennies, which with extremely precise and creative laying of patterns (all credit to the author!) form a beautiful mosaic and create an extraordinary effect.

It's wonderful when we bring character to our home and do something ourselves. More and more people decide to refurbish old products, buy used things and create products with original ideas. But Tonya Tooners went one step further. She created something that probably no one has remembered before. She herself created a 'parquet' - but not just any kind. She laid penny after penny on the old wooden floor...

So Tonya Tooner started creating floors out of pennies, not knowing what the end result would be (Photo: Tonya Tooner Imgur)
So Tonya Tooner started creating penny floors, not knowing what the end result would be. (Photo: Tonya Tooner Imgur)

They were applied for 130 dollars or 122 euros. Together they form a beautiful mosaic. She also used ten cans of glue and expensive epoxy varnish, which is often used in warehouses and public spaces, such as hospitals.

READ MORE: What happens to coins thrown into fountains?

Gallery: She laid penny after penny on the floor. See the result!



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