
That's what a real lady is: 10 things that separate you from 'ordinary' women

Photo: Valery Velsh / Unsplash

Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Brigitte Bardot... are synonymous with the ladies of the last century, who are also inspired by many modern women. It is more than obvious that patterns from past times are gradually returning to our everyday life and the real LADY will also get her place under this sun. Are you like that too or do you belong to the circle of 'ordinary' women?

The company did strongly changed in favor of women, for which we should be especially thankful feminists, who fought for a better tomorrow for women from all over the world for several centuries. And so they still fight today.

Social rules are women once restricted to a much greater extent than today, when we promote the freedom of free choice that allows to a woman becomes what she wants. And although at first glance it seems that the atmosphere is really favorable to women, in society still has so many stereotypes, prejudices, rules, ideas, thoughts ..., what a woman DOES and what NOT.

What separates you from ordinary women?
What separates you from ordinary women?

From childhood we are taught that must be a female lady, but many modern women do not want to associates them with this label. Even if they are fighters for rights selections for many freedoms, modern feminist movements have also created stigma and there are many people became hostile to feminism. That's how she got the word lady negative connotation, but being a lady does not mean that you are deprived of all the joys of life, that you are untouchable and tyrannical minded, but you have high standards and you are virtuous.


1. He listens more than he speaks.
2. Respects other people's opinions. He doesn't always speak his mind.
3. She embraces the traits she was born with. Adopts other people's traits.
4. She realizes that she is defined by MUCH MORE than just her behavior.
5. Think twice before doing something you will regret. She always asks herself what is good about the thing she is about to do.
6. He has false friends and enemies. She knows it is because she is successful!
7. He treats all people equally and perceives them as his equals.

She treats all people equally and perceives them as her equals.
She treats all people equally and perceives them as her equals.

8. He makes mistakes. He is aware of his mistakes. He honors his mistakes.
9. If she says she's going to do something, she does it.
10. She is grateful to every person who helped her. He never forgets their help and tries to give back even more.
11. He believes that he is number one, but at the same time he is aware that he is not the best.
12. He never scoffs at someone else's misfortune.
13. He knows how to honestly and politely express his disagreement with a certain thing or give a well-intentioned criticism.
14. She does not respect those who do not deserve her respect.

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