
She left, even though you thought she would always be waiting for you

Never let the person who would turn your world upside down for you leave you!

We don't live in romantic comedies where a woman waits for a man forever, but it's true, yes a woman leaves only when she is convinced that there is nothing left to fight for. But until then, she will surrender to you, trust you and love you unconditionally.

You will regret losing her when you love others who will only be with you as long as you shine in your perfect performance and will leave you as soon as they realize that you are not so perfect.

A woman leaves only when she is convinced that there is nothing left to fight for.
A woman leaves only when she is convinced that there is nothing left to fight for.

One day you will realize that…
... she accepted you as you are: with all the baggage, mistakes, defeats;
… you didn't do enough to not lose her;
… you didn't give her your love, yourself, when you had the chance.

There was a woman who…
… she only saw the good in you, who fell in love with you regardless of the fact that she felt she shouldn't;
... I would do everything for you, I would turn my world and the whole world around for you;
… she believed that behind the silence was a wonderful person;
... I would forgive you for all your mistakes.

She was by your side when you were fighting yourself and your demons. She realized that maybe all you needed was time and space, and she gave it to you because she believed that in time you would become the person she always dreamed of being. She wanted to know all your fears, secrets, the darkest parts of your soul, and she would still love you. She saw something special in you and didn't want to give up, she fought for you in her own way. Even when you ignored her, she would text you and talk to you like that.

Over time, she accepted the fact that she no longer has a place in your life. She put away her feelings for you and left, doing everything she knew how to find her way back to your heart. One day you will realize, not now, one day, that you are lost a woman who would love you more than life itself. The woman who was waiting for you to make a decision - for her.

She put away her feelings for you and left…
She put away her feelings for you and left…

But by the time you figure it out… it will be too late! You'll stare at her name on the phone, see when she last contacted you, and realize that she's really been gone for a long time. You will miss those little things, even the ones that bothered you the most - you thought she would wait for you forever. You're not here. SHE IS A DIFFERENT WOMAN, when he loves, he loves immensely, when he leaves, he leaves forever.

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