
She took a hair curler and fried an egg with it!

Hair curler for baking an egg

If you happen to never have a pan and a stove at hand, and by some strange coincidence you only have a curling iron, then you must know this cooking trick! How else will you cook an egg??? It sounds bizarre, but it is not as wrong as it seems at first. After all, the egg is finally cooked, which is the most important thing!

The idea that you are an egg you bake with the help of a hair curler, isn't quite the shot in the arm it seems. Otherwise, we really don't see a scenario where you actually only have a curling iron, but not a stove and a pan, but still.

What is a hair curler usually used for…
What is a hair curler usually used for…

If nothing else, in the morning, when you are in a hurry to get to work, there will be no need to heat both the curling iron and the pan. With that you kill two birds with one stone and thus save time. But one never knows, maybe one day you will be stuck with only a hair curler, and since in hunger, sorry, force, the devil still eats flies, it is wise to know this cooking trick.

READ MORE: Kitchen trick: how to prepare several scrambled eggs at the same time?

... and what else you can use it for.
… and what else you can use it for.

How is it even possible to fry an egg with a curling iron? Hair curlers are equipped with a heating drum, which is originally intended for curling hair, but if necessary, you can also use this heat to fry an egg. So the next time someone asks you what kind of egg you'll be, tell them you want one curled up!

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