
Shell: A mobile application that allows pregnant women to listen to their baby's heartbeat

Today, there is an app for practically every 'little thing', and why shouldn't there be a mobile app for pregnant women that lets you listen to the heartbeat of your unborn baby? The application is assisted by a cute Shell widget, and the company behind it is Bellabeat.

Shell is a small accessory that you put on on the bottom of the smartphone. Then you find a quiet, comfortable place, open mobile application and press the “Hear My Baby” button. With an accessory gently slide on the tummy, until you hear your little one's heartbeat.

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This is Shell, a small gadget and mobile app that allows you to listen to the heartbeat of an unborn baby.
This is Shell, a small gadget and mobile application that allows you to listen to the heartbeat of an unborn baby.

The utility uses a special algorithm that records sounds inside the womb, meanwhile blocks potentially harmful waves, which could enter our body. Algorithm as well filter out background noise and increases the sound of the baby's heartbeat. Heart rate can too record and then play it to your partner and loved ones.
The application will in November available for iPhone. You can join the queue at official site.

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