

Shishmish Ina Di Dance Hala. A slightly different event with great music and even better energy. The first September party will be organized in the Back to Skul manner and will serve as a preparation for the new season in the Gala Hall. Behind the turntables will be Pier and Fu. Shishmish parties are a collaboration with musicians from the Balkans who...

Important information
Gala Hall, Metelkova mesto, Ljubljana
Facebook event
Entrance fee
5 euros.

Shishmish Ina Di Dance Hala. A slightly different event with great music and even better energy. The first September party will be organized in the Back to Skul manner and will serve as preparation for the new season in the Gala Hall. Behind the turntables will be Pier and Fu. Shishmish parties involve collaboration with musicians from the Balkans, who are united by their love for all genres and subgenres of reggae, which they skilfully enhance with the accompaniment of the sounds and vocals of the musical geniuses of the former South. Thus, reggae hop, dnb, new roots, dubstep and hiphop will be the rhythms that will accompany the bat's flight this season as well.


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