
Shorter men are said to be more aggressive than taller men, says science

Shorter men are said to be more aggressive than taller men, says science

Apparently, there is some truth to the saying that poison is kept in small bottles - men who were not gifted with the famous height by mother nature are said to be more aggressive compared to the 'giants', according to the results of the research. Do these guys really have a Napoleon complex?

V English language there is an adjective "short-tempered” (irritable, quick-tempered) – and now we will finally learn more about its origin! They are scientists found out, that height related to a person's level of aggression. And short men we will obviously have to avoid v a wide bow.

When you think about taking a bite a man, remember that you can bad you take away, especially if it is low. Scientists from Atlanta they watched 600 men, old among 18 and 50 years old. They found that they were short man, which are supposed to be 'less husband', three times more likely to do so offense. And he was to blame for that stress, challenged by stereotypes.

Shorter men are said to be more aggressive than taller men. Is this true?
Shorter men are said to be more aggressive than taller men. Is this true?

They have established themselves in some societies stereotypes, associated with short men, which are supposed to be less husband, feminized, the poor. And exactly anger, aggressiveness and excitability are supposed to serve as a response to beliefs about short men, which are established in society.

Science says they are shorter men more aggressive in order to make up for what they lack - HEIGHT. That's what they call it professionally Napoleon complex (discovered by an Austrian psychoanalyst Alfred Adler). Bonaparte supposed to be very low men, which is its own complex expressed in wars and battles, about which we read a lot. He also left his mark on our territory.

The results of this research also match with findings an evolutionary psychologist Mark van Vugt, who came to the conclusion that shorter men behave more aggressively when interacting with taller men. This is supposed to happen because they are shorter men more vulnerable and they are more paranoid.

Is the Napoleon complex real?
Is the Napoleon complex real?

Life in company, full stereotypes, which is focused on beauty standards, claims own tax. Many people who do not achieve what society says BEAUTY, doubts his own value. No allow it you are, yes unwritten rules, which none of them a mortal can not to achieve, affect yours self-image. Fall in love are such as you are.

What do you think?? You think so height has a relationship with personality traits? They are lower men near you indeed more aggressive?

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