
Showcase of the month: How should I read? Reading instructions through the ages

an activity that allows us to withdraw into the world of books and also quiet contemplation, was something else in the past. In the showcase of the month, old Slovenian books will be presented, in which we can find many instructions for readers. It is interesting that already in the 17th century it was noted that there were too many books and not...

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NMS Library - Prešernova, Ljubljana
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an activity that allows us to withdraw into the world of a book and also quiet contemplation, was something else in the past.
In the showcase of the month, old Slovenian books will be presented, in which we can find many instructions for readers. It is interesting that already in the 17th century they found that there are too many books and you can't even read the covers, let alone choose the best ones. Of course, this observation still holds true today!

Author: dr. Anja Dular

The display case can be viewed during library opening hours.

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