
Shower Beer – beer intended for drinking in the shower

Shower Beer

Singing in the shower is a constant practice. That we drink beer in the shower? This kind of thing has recently become a real internet sensation, and the agency Snask and the Pangpang Brewery have taken advantage of this and created a 'themed' beer meant to be enjoyed in the shower. It's called Shower Beer.

Drinking beer while showering became a real hit in the summer. It's not hard to see why. Both showering and drinking beer relax many people, because reduce stress and tension, so the combination is not as bad an idea as it might seem at first glance.

READ MORE: Belgian beer has become a world cultural heritage

So that you don't drink just any beer in the shower, they are an advertising agency The relationship and a brewery Pangpang made beer Shower Beer, which is a direct consequence an online phenomenon (see photos below). Is it even the first beer made especially for this occasion. And how does it differ from the classic one?

Beer for the shower.
Beer for the shower

Nothing really. It's about beer Pale Ale (10 % of alcohol), but it is true that it is coming in small bottles (1.8 dcl), which is just right to make those three sips while showering.

Gallery - drinking beer in the shower:

Info Box

The Minister of Health warns: Excessive drinking of alcohol is harmful to health!

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