
Showering: what happens to our body when we stop showering


For many, showering is like coffee. It is not only a matter of hygiene, but a ritual, a hobby and a time when we completely relax. Is showering really necessary or should you shower as often as you do? Showering is another type of body defense (the first is the immune system), whose task is to wash away bad bacteria and germs. So what happens when we stop showering?

you know what happens to your body when you stop showering? The first thing you probably think of is the stench. Does it hold? If you don't shower every day, you are quickly labeled dirty in society. Do you know what really happens to the body after a shower?

READ MORE: What is better? Morning or evening shower?

Do you have a healthy dose when it comes to showering?
Do you have a healthy dose when it comes to showering?

Regular showering it helps prevent disease, and when you stop showering, you make it easier for microbes. Diseases such as diarrhea and flu. On the other hand, showering too often is harmful. By showering too often with warm/hot water, which is often "seasoned" with shower gels, the skin canwash natural protection (natural oils), and with that the skin becomes more sensitive, also cracked and more vulnerable to viruses and bacteria. Too many antibacterial products can kill good bacteria on the skin, which are important for the immune system and fight against wrinkles, sagging skin and excessive pigmentation. So how often is it healthy to shower? and what happens to the body when we stop showering, find out below.

What happens to our body when we stop showering:

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