
Signs that you should stay in the relationship and make an effort to keep it!

"A happy marriage is a long conversation that always seems too short." - André Maurois

Wisdom is knowing when to put in the extra effort and when to back off. Run away and don't look back. Ignore the thought that maybe there is something else you could do to make it better, different. Don't let regret and weakness keep you in a toxic relationship.

If your relationship is healthy and you've drifted apart just a little, you can still find your way to a successful relationship.

What are the signs that things are still working between you and that you just need to work hard and save the relationship, rather than clinging to hurt and resentment and losing love because of it?

They are aware of their mistakes

Can you admit that one of you is wrong and apologize? Without it, the relationship fails. If you are not aware of your mistakes or don't want to apologize for them, then you will not be able to change, grow or progress in the relationship. You will be spinning in a circle of misunderstanding, arguments and pain.

If you recognize and see where you are wrong, you can better understand your partner's feelings and see your behavior from his point of view. If your partner can do the same, then you have something valuable that is worth keeping and developing.

They are ready to make an effort

Often, only one of the partners, most often the woman, makes an effort to maintain the relationship and do the emotional work in it. Women know how to take responsibility for making a relationship work, and men know how not to try to take some of that responsibility on themselves. Thus, together, instead of a healthy relationship in which both grow and develop, they create a source of problems that no one can solve. And these only deepen over time.

If you both realize that you both have to invest in your relationship, and that each of you has to do what you know and can, and not just how you want, then you have the maturity and awareness to build a stable and deep relationship.

They want the same things in life

The question of common values and ideals turns into a question of common interests in practice and everyday life. If your partner wants to retire in the countryside and grow plants, and you are afraid of the idea of farming, want to have a different, more urban lifestyle, then you differ - in the need to express and satisfy your core values.

But if you both want to travel, or create a home, or are very ambitious and build a career, then you are stronger together. In this way, you can support each other and help make your dreams come true.

No one crossed the line of the unacceptable

Some mistakes (small betrayals like silence, selfishness, doubt) can be forgiven and every couple should know where the line is and when there is no going back. Someone is more tolerant, so he forgives more, but if he feels that his tolerance is being abused, he is forced to set boundaries. This delicate balance must be struck by each couple for themselves – no one can say what is unacceptable and unforgivable for someone else. If neither of you has gone too far, you will be able to rebuild trust and forgive each other

They get along well

Compatibility is more important than falling in love in the long run. It is important that love and attachment exist, but love is not measured by feelings, but by actions and the functionality of the relationship. Feelings can be tepid, passion is lost, but if you become friends who want the best, feel safe, have each other's support and spend pleasant moments together, the relationship is worth the effort, regardless of the fact that the initial spark is gone.

They believe that they will come out of the crisis stronger and more stable

You have to sincerely believe it! If you already have experience of overcoming crises, from which you always came out stronger, braver and wiser. If you believe that there is no problem that you and your partner cannot solve, then you have nothing to think about.

But if you feel that you have given this relationship too many chances, and that the crises have harmed you and hindered your development, instead of uplifting and connecting you, then it is time for you to go your separate ways.

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