
SILA bazaar – an idea for a multicultural day

Sila bazaar

Non-governmental, non-religious and non-profit organization. SILA are strong women who, on the threshold of winter, once again provide warm events at the SILA bazaar.

Important information
Economic Exhibition Center
Facebook event
Entrance fee
Free entry

SILA bazaar is an international charity bazaar organized by International women's association SILA. Women from almost 40 countries who live in Slovenia, either permanently or temporarily, gather here. Their core activity is volunteering and charity. They obtain their funds through donations and the sale of products, including on FORCE to the bazaar.

SILA bazaar is an idea for a great, multi-cultural November day spent.
SILA bazaar is an idea for a great, multi-cultural November day spent.

Enough with the bare information, SILA bazaar is where – if we're smart enough – we can buy the best maple syrup (brought directly from Canada, of course), the cutest knitted sweater from Norway and the plushest Australian koalas.

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