
A silent farewell to Apple's iPod Classic mp3 player

After Apple sent its followers into a frenzy a few days ago with the introduction of the iPhone 6, on September 11 they were saddened by the news that one of its flagships, the iPod classic mp3 player, had ended its life. Probably not many tears will be shed because of this, rather more of everything else (apps, music, movies, etc.), but the fact that the iPod has lived to a good age - 13 (digital) years, which is equal to 50 human years, should not be overlooked.

But a device that is just mp3 player, is just not enough today. Time has overtaken her, because today they can do the same and much more telephones and plates, but also hours.

iPod Classic
iPod Classic

iPod, which went between years 2001 and 2012 several times under the knife and finally signed himself as iPod Classic, so she "hung her headphones on a peg". Although she was at first a big hit, sales were taking hits left and right due to technological advances. With the appearance of the aforementioned technological polyglots he couldn't keep in touch anymore, and he couldn't even use the mp3 "language" on foot. In addition, next to the products bearing the year 2014, it looks like antiques, but we know where they belong.

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It was the only Apple product she didn't have touch screen, that's why it is September 11 this generation of iPod (debuted in 2007) quiet withdrawn from sale, which was not unexpected. The Classic was dying for installments, as it had been going down (in sales) since the year 2009, when an increasing share of the mp3 pie went to other devices. They mainly kept him alive enthusiasts and nostalgics, who did not want to part with rotary control knob, and a significant drop in price.

It was the most popular in the iPod series iPod Touch, which debuted nine months after the first one arrived iPhone. But while it prospered, the iPod was stuck in a different era. And while we probably won't miss him, he won't never forgotten.

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