
Simple and philosophy-free: when you're looking for the love of a lifetime, only these two things matter!

When you are looking for a person to spend the rest of your life with, you should pay attention exclusively to these two things.

There is no philosophy here, the matter is quite simple. Always keep in mind that both are important in finding the love of a lifetime just two things.

Rule no. 1: everything should be pretty simple from the start

From the moment they meet, things must be simple. If you feel that you can tell that person anything, if you feel you can go to the end of the world with that person, then that's it. If the arrangements between the two of you go smoothly, then do not let this person go. Simple is good, complicated is bad.

It's not very pleasant when you have a person next to you who asks you to change, adapt, do things you don't like. Sooner or later you (or your partner) will get tired of changing. It's exhausting and doesn't hold water. If you have to prove yourself over and over again, then this person is not for you.

Rule no. 2: the relationship should bring joy

If you don't feel satisfied, happy and fulfilled in a relationship, then run away immediately. If your partner makes you cry and suffer, then this is not the man for you. Don't think too much: this is not normal. This is the road to hell.

If only one person brings laughter and fun to a relationship, the relationship is meaningless. Many people suffer in silence for years in unfulfilling relationships. They wait for something to change, but the change never comes. So if your partner makes you sad and angry, leave this moment.

The relationship with the partner must be something that will excite you, make you happy, something you will lean on when things are difficult for you at work or when you have problems. Your significant other should be someone who will make you laugh and listen.

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